June 20, 2008 Brandthropology Sponsors Vermont Hickory Open
Brandthropology sponsored the Vermont Hickory Open at Copley Country Club in Morrisville Vermont today. Some of the finest Hickory golfers from around the nation — coming from as far away as California — gathered to participate in the event. Contestants play two 18 hole rounds over the weekend, wielding up to a limit of seven hickory shafted clubs whose design pre-dates 1936. Awards were given for low gross, low senior, and low net. The championship went to Scott McAllister of Williston, Vermont who shot an impressive 73 the first day and 74 the second, a total that was good enough for a six stroke lead. He played with a vintage iron set whose earliest club was over 80 years old.
John Hopper of Catskill, New York took the Senior division, and Brandthropology’s own Matthew Dodds took honors for Low Net. “I deny being a sandbagger!” exclaimed Dodds, who was the National Hickory Champion, Reserve Division in 2005. Jim Bassett, president of the Vermont Golf Association, the other sponsor of the event, commented “what I love about this tournament is that it brings golf back to its basics; golf isn’t all about new technology and booming distances. People who strike the ball well and consistently do well. I hope a lot of younger golfers become attracted to the tournament.”