June 14, 2015 Chief Brandthropologist Facilitates Vermont Public Television Board Discussion
Vermont Public Television’s new CEO, Holly Groschner, heard Matt talking about thoughts on evolving the Vermont brand. She sparked to the ideas, and soon came in to discuss the prospect of evolving the Vermont Public Television brand. Matt, who is always eager to discuss what we call “brandthropologies”, was quick to accept Holly’s invite to talk at an upcoming Board retreat. There, Matt led the Board though his thoughts on the decline of traditional broadcast media models, the need to re-conceive of the station as a media neutral content provider, and discussed the importance of embracing a systemic approach to gathering and airing crowd-sourced local content. He went on to stress the opportunity to share local content to national audiences, citing Vermont’s strenghts in the localvore food movement, generator spaces, energy policy and the integration of businesses of local arts and businesses. These topics, he suggested could help drive potential out-of-market programming revenue.