October 15, 2015 Chief Brandthropologist Matt Dodds Interviewed by Victoria Taylor of Reddit Fame
Victoria Taylor (of Reddit fame for her “Ask Me Anything” interviews) stopped by our offices today to inteview our Chief Brandthropologist Matthew Dodds. She’s making ‘video shorts’ for the Vermont PBS’s six-part InnoVaTe web series. The cool part/ The series was set in motion by the incoming CEO of Vermont PBS hearing Matt speak about the need for Vermont to evolve on the Jane Linholm show (listen to the show here). Soon after, she stopped by the agency and asked us if it was OK by us to use this Innovation message as a theme for a new show. We said: by all means! The TechJam episode will explore the need for Vermont to put “one foot in the pasture, and one foot in the future,” enhancing the awareness of the state’s booming technology and STEM industries. We sure hope the series will play a key role in telling the story of Vermont’s culture of creativity and innovation. Moreover, we hope that this compelling message gets out to young professionals. The series will go live via the web on January 19th, 2016.
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