Production Advantage

The Challenge


The origins of the firm lay in its printed catalog that enjoyed preeminence in the 70s through the early 90s.  But the firm had not adequately invested in the web and digital infrastructure necessary to keep up with national competitors.

Concomitantly, the brand needed to be about the people and their expertise,
not about the stuff and its price.  Hence our tagline “We’re the People
Behind the People Behind the Show.”

Our Approach


We conducted audits of the brand’s marketing and website presences, broadly engaging with employees and stakeholders throughout the organization.  We wanted to make sure that the changes, likely to be dramatic, came “up from within” the organization, rather than being perceived as coming from “outside.”

With the client’s help, we envisioned a multi-screen presence that highlighted the firm’s
individual sales reps, their tenure in the industry and their areas of expertise.

Production Advantage Brand Pyramid

Our Solution


We developed a three prong approach.  First, we needed to create a new and contemporary brand that would rejuvenate the organization, in the eyes of its employees, prospects and peers.  Secondly, we had to invest in the creation of a modern e-commerce website that would serve as a better place for conversions to take place. Lastly, we needed to reconfigure human resources within the organization to be able to embrace new opportunities that more recent digital tools can provide.

The Result


As we do with many of our clients, we placed them in content management systems (CMSs) that are easily managed by internal resources. In this case, we created a Big Commerce / Woocommerce platform.  We then cascaded the new brand across the site, taking special care to craft landing pages for key target audiences we wished to pursue, including Houses of Worship, Theatres, Production Professionals and Live Events. 

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